Performance en réaction à la manifestation anti-choix 40 jours pour la vie. A performance in reaction to an anti-abortion protests across from an abortion clinic. Collaboration with Virginie Jourdain.

Hot-dogs pro-choix 12 (2011) Hot-dogs pro-choix 5 (2011) Hot-dogs pro-choix (2011)

Hot-dogs pro-choix 2 (2011) Hot-dogs pro-choix 13 (2011) Hot-dogs pro-choix 7 (2011)

Hot-dogs pro-choix 10 (2011) Hot-dogs pro-choix 4 (2011) Hot-dogs pro-choix 11 (2011)

Hot-dogs pro-choix 6 (2011) Hot-dogs pro-choix 8 (2011) Hot-dogs pro-choix 14 (2011)

Presented as part of Tableau Noir at VIVA! Art Action, 2011.

(c) larose jourdain, 2011